How do You Test Indoor Air Quality

Testing your indoor air quality can help you identify any sources of pollution that may exist in your home, but it can also help you understand your familys environmental conditions and make recommendations about possible improvements.

The best way to fight against pollutants is by taking action against them. That means testing your air every few months or so (or whenever you notice an odor or smell in your house), going through your cleaning products and replacing those that could cause health problems, and changing how you handle chemicals at home.

Choose the right test.

There are lots of tests you can choose from to measure your indoor air quality, but not all are equal. Just like with any other type of testing, dont just pick anything up at your local pharmacy or buy a cheap kit online. Make sure that you get a test that is accurate and will give you what you need to know.

Be sure to take the right test for your needs.

When it comes to testing indoor air quality, its important that you get the right test for your environment or issue. Some tests can be too sensitive, while others dont provide results easy to readwhich means they may not tell you anything useful. If you want a fast and effective way to see whether an area is contaminated, check its pungent gas list. That will give you a better idea of what type of test to perform to help identify any problems.

Conduct testing at the beginning of a renovation or remodel and check back after all repairs have been made.

During home renovating or building, youll likely work with many different contractors and vendors. It can be difficult to determine which items should go first, so its important to know your options for testing indoor air quality before you start your renovations. Testing allows you to compare your findings to those of others in your areais your house getting worse? Better? There are several ways to test indoor air quality and each one provides unique information about what chemicals are present.

Take additional samples if theres evidence of mold or mildew.

Thats rightyou should have multiple air samples collected whenever there is potential for mold or mildew to exist in your home. When you purchase a test kit, consider purchasing more than one box so that you can collect enough sample to accurately determine what substances are causing your smell issue.

Know what variables affect your results.

There are lots of different factors that can impact how an air quality test measures your home, so youll want to make sure you take all those into consideration before choosing a testing kit. Some tests run more frequently than others, for example, while some include data about your heating ventilator system or plumbing systems.

Understand how results vary among testers.

Every persons individual experience with air quality is different, so what works for one may not work for you or someone else. While there are guidelines regarding indoor air quality, there arent any laws regulating it like there are regulations surrounding outdoor air quality. This means your experiences testing both types of air will differ depending on factors such as your age, sex, height, and weight.


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