How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Winter

Develop a plan for heating with air conditioning.

When you turn on your heater, what kind of heat do you get? If you have warm or cool air conditions, chances are that its not very cold in your home, which means theres probably also some hot air. While using an air conditioner is one way to reduce indoor air pollution, if you have no choice but to heat your house, try to minimize the time you spend without ventilationespecially when kids and pets are involved. The more time you can allow between ventilations, the better; as soon as possible after letting hot air build up inside plans activities that will avoid contact with particles.

Take advantage of sunlight during the winter months.

Our bodies naturally crave vitamin D when were not outdoors, so when its cold and dark outside, our brains send messages that cause us to stay inside and sleep. This makes sense when you consider what happens every year around this timeseasonal allergy attacks strike millions of people as they spend more time indoors. When you open your windows, let in some sunshine, and reset your mind and body with an indoor sun ritual, you can improve your quality of life and feel better nearly anytime anywhere.

Boost your energy savings by using lights that mimic daylight.

When you turn off incandescent bulbs, youre not saving electricityyoure just going back to what light sources used to be before compact fluorescent lamps were mainstreamed into homes in the 2000s. While CFLs can have shorter lives than incandescents, they generally last at least ten years, which is much longer than most people keep their homes for. Instead of changing out all your light fixtures, try looking for LED replacements. Not only do these products look better, they also consume up to 90 percent less energy per lamp compared to traditional lighting.

Pick products that use less power.

Many energy bills come during winter because of how we heat our homes. If youre looking for a way to reduce your own energy usage, consider furnaces, air conditioning units and heaters when choosing items for your home.

Install a ventilator or heater.

If you have an air conditioner, it should be running most of the time when youre inside. One possible solution is to install a portable ventilation system, which will pull fresh air into your home through vents placed outside his wall. Or if you live in a particularly cold house, consider using a heating humidifier instead, which works by bringing indoor moisture back up to room temperature.

Dont let the moisture from cooking and bathing build up.

Probably one of the biggest challenges for improving indoor air quality is removing the accumulated natural oils that are present in our skin and hair during winters colder months. One of the best ways to do this is by taking a shower at least once every couple of days, as well as any major staining or body odor issues.

Clean your vents and radiator fans regularly.

If you have pets, its especially important to check those heaters and air filters before you leave for work or go to bed. The dry winter air can cause your heating system to wear out faster than usual, so take advantage of that fact and run your ventilators overnight to make sure theyre working properly.


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